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Working from Home with Carpal Tunnel: 4 Tips to Relieve Wrist Pain

Working from Home with Carpal Tunnel: 4 Tips to Relieve Wrist Pain

Do you have discomfort, weakness, or tingling in one of your hands or wrists? If so, you might be dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome. Because of the pandemic, many people are now working from home, where it can be tough to maintain good ergonomics. 

Our experts at the Orthopaedic Institute of Henderson are here to diagnose and treat this aggravating problem. 

Once we've determined the cause and severity of your carpal tunnel syndrome, we lay out a detailed treatment plan. This could involve a range of strategies, from wearing a wrist brace to doing some nerve exercises that help glide your nerves back into working order.

Managing wrist pain at home

We may suggest a therapeutic injection, physical therapy, or carpal tunnel surgery for more advanced cases. But there are effective methods that can help decrease stress on your wrists and help prevent further irritation and pain. Here are four of them

Adjust your workspace to promote good posture

If you must sit for extended periods at your desk, maintain good posture to avoid discomfort and potential injury. One way to promote good posture is to adjust your workspace accordingly. 

Start by adjusting your chair so your feet are firmly planted on the ground and your hips are level with your knees. Your computer monitor should be at eye level, with your keyboard positioned so your shoulders are relaxed and your elbows rest comfortably at your sides.

By adjusting your workspace, you're able to sit comfortably and work more productively without the harmful effects of poor posture.

Take frequent breaks throughout the day

Typing on a keyboard or clicking a mouse can take a toll on your wrists. That's why you need to take frequent breaks throughout the day to give your wrists a break. 

Taking just a few minutes every hour to stretch and relax your wrists can help prevent strain, pain, and other issues down the line. Whether you take a quick walk, practice some gentle yoga poses, or simply shake your hands out, these breaks can help you stay healthy and productive in the long run. 

Get an ergonomic mouse and keyboard

Using a traditional mouse and keyboard can cause strain and discomfort, ultimately leading to long-term damage. Opting for an ergonomic mouse and keyboard can be a game-changer. These devices are designed to reduce strain on your wrists, allowing you to work comfortably and without worry. 

Do stretching and strengthening exercises for your wrists

Caring for your wrists is crucial, especially if your job or hobbies require repetitive hand movements. Stretches and strengthening exercises help prevent pain and injuries. You can improve your wrist flexibility and strength by incorporating these exercises into your daily routine. 

From wrist flexion and extension to wrist circles and curls, there are plenty of exercises to choose from. Whether you have a history of wrist injuries or simply want to prevent them, exercising regularly can make a big difference in your overall wrist health.

Final tips to relieve carpal tunnel pain

In today's digital age, it's nearly impossible to avoid spending hours every day on a computer or other electronic device. But don’t forget the toll that overusing these devices can take on your body. 

Typing for long periods can be harmful, leading to pain and discomfort in your hands and wrists. Caring for your body is important for your long-term health and productivity. Take proper care of your wrists by implementing the tips mentioned above. 

If you have questions, contact us at our office in Henderson, Nevada. Call or request an appointment online today.

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