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Life After Hip Replacement

Life After Hip Replacement

Most patients have outstanding success following hip replacement. Your pain disappears after just one surgery, and movement returns to normal.

The typical recovery after an anterior hip replacement takes 4-6 weeks. You can plan 8-16 weeks of recovery following a traditional posterior hip replacement. Both operations require specialized aftercare.

The board-certified surgeons at the Orthopaedic Institute of Henderson are highly skilled in hip replacement surgery. Post-surgery rehabilitation is a prerequisite for successful treatment. The hip replacement procedure lays the foundation, but proper rehabilitation defines long-term success.

What happens after a hip replacement operation?

An artificial hip joint can relieve pain and improve your quality of life. After surgery, it takes a few weeks to months to recover from the procedure and for the artificial joint to be flexible and stable enough for most activities. By then, the swelling and pain will have subsided, and the muscles and ligaments are strong enough to provide complete support for the new joint.

Waking up from surgery

As soon as you awake from surgery, our staff watches over you for a few hours while the anesthesia wears off. We monitor your pulse, blood pressure, alertness, pain or comfort level, and your need for medications. Your individual needs determine your recovery time.

Our surgeons at the Orthopaedic Institute of Henderson perform most anterior hip replacements in an outpatient or overnight setting so that you can go home the same day or the next. A posterior hip replacement requires you to stay in the hospital for two to three days.

The first few hours after surgery

Early rehabilitation speeds recovery, so physical therapy begins right away. Movement after surgery increases blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clots. We’ll show you how to best get up from a lying position, stand up, dress and undress, move safely with walking aids, and how much weight you can put on the joint. 

Your physical therapist monitors your leg and hip strength and flexibility, as well as your ability to stand and sit. Our team also gives you goals and instructions to follow while in the hospital and at home.

Going home

The ultimate success of your hip replacement surgery and the length of the recovery process are determined by several factors. Aside from your bones and muscles, your general health and lifestyle are also important. The rehabilitation process is a vital part of the recovery process, as your efforts determine how your hip joint improves.

You’ll perform exercises that strengthen and stretch the muscles around your hip joint two to three times a day. Besides climbing stairs, bending, and walking, you’ll gradually regain strength and motion. Before you're back to normal, it will take several weeks to several months.

2 weeks after surgery and beyond

The rehabilitation process starts right after surgery and continues during hospitalization and at home for a year following surgery. Most patients can move freely and perform routine activities after a few weeks of physical therapy. Within 2-4 weeks, you should also be able to take part in recreational activities, drive, and return to work. 

Each patient is unique, and you may recover more quickly, or it might take longer to fully recover from a hip replacement. Our skilled and committed staff will guide you through this process. 

Contact the Orthopaedic Institute of Henderson today or book an appointment online for more information on hip replacement options.

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